
Hey there! I'm Pablo, a 27 year old software engineer living in Munich. I was born in Germany and have Argentinian roots. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from TUM and have written a Bachelor's thesis on Efficient and Interactive Data Analytics with WebAssembly. Currently, I pursue a Master's degree at the same university.

Previously, I have worked for One.com, a hosting company based in Copenhagen, Denmark and Westwing, an e-commerce company based in Munich. From 2021 on, I work as an independent software engineering consultant.

I like to use my creative mind to solve problems in a way that might not be obvious at first glance, but elegant in retrospect. This process involves a lot of trial and error, might often feel "wrong" and doesn't always have a linear predictable path to a solution. However, I believe that looking at a problem from various angles generally leads to more satisfying solutions. This creative approach, combined with the technical skills obtained from my Computer Science education, make me confident in my abilty to pick a reasonable tradeoff between exploration and problem solving.

Currently I'm at capacity — but if your organization needs help to realize software engineering projects, I would be glad to offer my services from planning to development, and deployment of software solutions to you.

If you would like to work with me or just like to say hello, get in touch via the contact details on the top of my front page.